
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I'm onto something!

I lost 8 pounds in a week! I didn't take anything extra, I ate what I normally eat. It was even during "a time of the month" when I usually gain weight. I think I'm really onto something.

If you don't know me, then you may not know I have a degree in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. I stopped school to work in a medical lab for eight years and now I work from home and homeschool my kids. My passion has always been for nutrition and wellness. I have a fundamental belief that the body knows how to maintain optimal health.

This is what my journey into intentional eating is all about.

Last week I came across some research in leptin. Now, I've been trying to lose weight since before I had kids. I was moderately successful losing weight on Atkins/Paleo (basically a whole-foods ketogenic diet). After having kids it just didn't work any more. My body would not let go of weight. That, combined with having to be on prednisone for years has really messed up my metabolism. I refuse to believe that I couldn't reset it. Just like I refused to believe I couldn't heal myself from Crohns, but I did do that!

I came across an ad for the Venus Factor. Now, just from the basics I got that he's onto something, but I'm a research minded person and I'm like "if he can find the info, so can I!" I came across this video by nutritionist, Byron Richards.

These weren't big changes for me. The biggest thing for me was the "when" I ate. I've been following the 6-small-meals program for years because I was told it was the way to go to reverse metabolic resistance. This leptin thing is especially important for women because we have more leptin than men, yet have less access to it if we eat often.

When I first heard about leptin I thought it just controlled hunger. As I came across it in nutrition research, I dismissed it because research was for people who didn't make ANY leptin. The significance didn't get on my radar. I don't have hunger problems, so I didn't register that Leptin could be my problem. I had low energy, brain fog, and sugar cravings. This simple change helped me this last week. Time will tell if this continues to work.

This video from Byron, goes through some of the basics. You don't need drugs, you just have to understand leptin!

Don't pay $40 for a program. This is wisdom everyone should have access to! It is FREE and you just have to know where to look.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Vegetables with breakfast? Oh, yea!

Current nutrition standards are changing. You can't expect to get all of your vitamins in two meals a day. Many new diets recommend more than 3 cups per day of an assortment of colors. Some even say that's not enough for optimal health. The Wahls Protocol suggests more than 9 cups per day!

The fructose in fruit is even too much for people struggling with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or insulin resistance. A variety of vegetables is important to get key nutrients and if vegetables for breakfast seems weird, can be thought of as a vitamin supplement. 

This is my breakfast. I'm a homeschool mom. Hence the math and coloring. I'm trying to add more vegetables and only eat 3 meals per day to see if it can reverse my leptin resistance. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


When carb cravings are overwhelming I have to go back to basics. It gets me into a state of mind where food is merely nourishment for energy and to keep hunger at bay. 

To get into ketosis as fast as possible I do a modified fat fast for the first 3 days. My modified fat fast is 1200 calories rather than 1000 and I do have 3 cups of greens per day. So I guess technically I'm doing Atkins Induction but generally with Atkins you don't count calories, just net carbs. 

I am on day two and also battling a respiratory bug. When I go back to eating low carb I usually find myself fighting something because the body tends to detox. This is called a herxheimer reaction. Some people mistake this for their body telling them this WOE (way of eating) isn't right for them when if I persist through it, after 2-3 days the brain fog lifts and energy levels go through the roof!

I don't know if you can tell already from reduced swelling in my face that my body is responding. I can. 

If you want to follow my food and exercise record keeping, you can find me on, user name sararay.

I have used them on and off for years, even before my pregnancies and I really like their new mobile app. They are completely free.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Breakfast for Lunch

I figured out brown rice tortillas have less carbs than Teff. The Teff tortillas are more flexible, though. 

When I have soup for breakfast I will sometimes have eggs for lunch. 

567 calories 
25 g net carbs
33 g protein 

Weekly Soup

I make sure to make a weekly chicken bone broth with vegetables. It is a good base for many soups, nutritional and if you make it yourself you know exactly what goes in.

I add apple cider vinegar to draw the minerals out of the bone. Depending on the price of chicken, I may get a whole chicken or a bunch of thighs and legs.

If there is no mold on the onion peels I leave them in the soup too because they have minerals not found in the inner layers.

When I have cauliflower leaves, they get added in. Today I had some zucchini and Brussels sprouts. Most of the vegetables get blended and added back to the broth after cooking. I separate the meat from the bones and add it back in as well. I will reserve some broth for other recipes as well.

This soup is great even for breakfast as it is a great food to kick off your digestion for the day. I learned this from a friend of mine who was born in China. Over there it's a common breakfast food. In my experience with Crohn's disease, I often don't even want to eat in the morning because it sometimes makes me feel sick. Soup is something I can always tolerate.

What foods have you found that are always easy for you to digest?

Monday, November 2, 2015

Simple Dinner

<400 calories (368)
18 G protein
22 carbs

Grilled Cauliflower
Garlic Brussels Sprouts
Mushrooms Sautéed in Chicken Broth and Garlic
Tuna with Mayo

Teff Wrap

Teff is an ancient grain. I like the wholesomeness of this non-gluten grain. The texture is much improved by a light grilling on each side. 

I cook in a cast iron pan with a brush of coconut oil. I leave the tortilla in just long enough to bubble a bit. You have to watch it or it gets too hard to roll.

< 500 cal
28 g protein
55 g carbs

This is my latest and highest carb meal for the day. 

Taking pictures of my food helps me to appreciate the aesthetics. Sitting at the table looking out the window and trying to maintain a peaceful state.